Über uns

Persistent and meticulous.
We are never satisfied with the status quo. We don’t follow others, but create our own path. As soon as we produce a new product, we start improving it. And we never stop.

Peter Slatnar, CEO

Our story

Each era in the company’s history was marked by new adventures and with it new challenges. We started in the metal industry and expanded our services to the world of high-achievement sports. Each of our steps is guided by boldness, commitment and inventiveness.


It all started in 1972

The company was founded by Peter Slatnar’s father, who was also named Peter. He established a metal workshop in his garage and created products for use in the aerospace, automotive and culinary industry. Peter Slatnar Junior, who in his youth made a career in ski jumping, decided later on to focus on the production of ski jumping bindings and other sports products.


The brand Slatnar Carbon

In 2006, Peter Slatnar Junior made a breakthrough in the world of ski jumping with an innovative carbon heel and founded the company Slatnar Carbon. Slatnar’s bindings became an instant hit with ski jumpers: by 2012 they were used by more than half of the professional athletes.

2016 – 2017

Elan opustil, Slatnar prevzel

Proizvajalec skakalnih smuči Elan je leta 2016 izstopil iz branže. Tedaj je vskočil Peter Slatnar in se dogovoril za prevzem pod svojo blagovno znamko Slatnar. Za začetek so opremo in stroje najeli od Elana, prav tako so v proizvodnji ostali ljudje, ki imajo dolgoletne izkušnje z delom na tem področju.

2017 – 2019

Novim zmagam naproti

Slatnarjeve smuči in vezi so se uveljavile kot ene vodilnih na svetu. Ob tem je podjetje razširilo svojo ekipo, okrepilo svoj strojni park in se začelo preizkušati v razvoju drugih izdelkov, kot so harpune, tekaške rolke, sani za skeleton in merilne naprave za FIS. Konkurenčna prednost še naprej ostaja izdelava po naročilu.

2019 – 2022

Razširitev športnega programa

Po prodoru z vezmi se je posvetil še programu čevljev za skakalce izdelane iz karbona. Izdelujejo tri vrste smučarsko skakalnih čevljev, za člane, za najmlajše ter univerzalne. Leta 2021 je videl priložnost v vezeh za turno smučarje, s katerimi bo podjetje kmalu prodrlo na trg.


The comfort zone makes us uncomfortable. From one day to another, we move the borders of the possible and in cooperation with our clients we help them go further, faster, higher.

Our engineering team, which is known for being one of the best in Slovenia, is faced with new materials and product functionalities on a daily basis.


Where do we go now? Always forward. As a company, we continuously grow and develop, which is essential in a highly competitive market. As soon as we successfully realise an idea, we start thinking about its improvements.

Our vision is to expand our product range, improve the products and upgrade the working processes in the aim of strengthening our position as a provider of personalised solutions for athletes across the world.


What we do, we do out of love. It is not in our interest to act short term, but to build a reputation that is based on quality, boldness and good relationships.

We wish to satisfy each individual customer and thus create special stories that will be written in history. The smallness of our company is therefore our biggest advantage, as we can listen to the customer’s needs and implement them quickly. Even if they seem impossible at first.

Get to know our team

Small in numbers, big at heart. We always think about ideas
that would satisfy our customers.


Peter Slatnar

Verkauf und Einkauf

Talita Slatnar

Ski Service

Rok Urbanc

Verkauf und Einkauf

Rok Rehbergar

@2025 Slatnar.si Vse pravice pridržane. Izdelava: OPTIWEB

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